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I offer online Wordpress tuition and support for my Atahualpa Theme tutorial via Skype. This costs $40 per hour (approx £25), with payment via Paypal. If you are interested, . I will give you my Skype username and we can agree a time.

Change Wordpress Header

How to change the wordpress header image

For most templates you will need to use ftp software to change the header image in WordPress.
Connect to your site using your ftp software.

  • Navigate to wp-content/themes/yourtheme.
  • You are looking for the folder where your theme’s images are stored. To help you, there are a three examples below to give you an idea of what to look for.
  • Once you have found your header graphic, use your ftp software to download it to your computer.  

Open the header graphic in your graphics software (I use and see what size it is.  If your theme uses a fixed header width and height, you will want your replacement graphic to be the same size.  By size, I mean size in pixels (not in Kb).  Look for something like 1000px x 200px, or 800px x 150px.  (These are just examples).

Design your new graphic to be the same size as the one you are replacing (or if you are using Atahualpa or another flexible height/width theme, design your graphic to be the size you set in the theme).

Now, using your ftp software:

  • rename the original graphic (example – kubrickheaderold.jpg)
  • upload the new graphic
  • if your theme uses a fixed header name, rename the NEW graphic (example – kubrickheader.jpg)

Now load up your website to check that the new header looks ok.  If it doesn’t, simply delete the new graphic and rename the old graphic back to its original name.  

Find your theme's header image file

Find your theme's header image fileTheme header image file

Default theme header image

Default theme header image

Theme header image file

Theme header image file